Complaints, Comments and Compliments Policy
April 2024
LGBT+ Lit Fest is committed to providing its attendees, members and organisers with the best possible services which meet their needs and to ensuring that they are treated fairly and with respect.
Comments, complaints and compliments provide feedback about what our service users think of our services and this feedback will be used to assist LGBT+ Lit Fest in continually improving its services.
LGBT+ Lit Fest covers all meet ups and events run by the group, including LGBT+ Lit Fest events, LGBT+ Lit Fest virtual Book Club or similar.
A complaint is defined as being any expression of dissatisfaction with the service that LGBT+ Lit Fest provides, whether it is justified or not.
A comment is defined as being the expression of an idea, suggestion or opinion on how LGBT+ Lit Fest could improve its services.
A compliment is defined as being feedback which informs LGBT+ Lit Fest that it has provided a service well.
Procedure for Comments and Compliments
If an individual/group wants to make a comment or compliment on LGBT+ Lit Fest’s work this may be done either verbally or in writing to the LGBT+ Lit Fest Committee (the Committee). Written comments or compliments should be directed to leedslgbtbookclub@gmail.com;
If an individual wants a verbal comment/compliment to be dealt with in accordance with the procedure used for complaints, rather than being seen as an informal matter, this must be made clear at the time the comment/compliment is being made.
If a response is requested, contact details will be taken to allow this. Your data will be used solely for the purpose of responding to any comment or compliment made by you. Your data will not be shared with third parties without first obtaining your consent.
When a comment/compliment is received, the person in receipt of it should inform the Committee. The Committee will then record it to ensure it is tracked and responded to within the specified timescales, which will be set out within correspondence.
The Committee will reply to the person making the comment/compliment. The reply will include details of any action which LGBT+ Lit Fest is to take as a result of the comment/compliment, where appropriate.
Procedure for Complaints
This section sets out the procedure to be followed should an individual, group or volunteer wish to make a complaint regarding their use of LGBT+ Lit Fest meet ups or events or the conduct of a LGBT+ Lit Fest Committee Member, Book Club attendee or other associated person.
The individual/group/volunteer making the complaint has the right to representation of their choice at every stage of the formal procedure, which may include using an advocacy service.
Stages of Complaints Procedure
Complaints about a LGBT+ Lit Fest Committee Member, Book Club attendee or other associated person, or a LGBT+ Lit Fest service, should be directed, in writing, to leedslgbtbookclub@gmail.com; as soon as possible and no later than 28 days after the event.
The Committee will record it to ensure it is tracked and responded to within the specified timescales, which will be set out within correspondence.
Your data will be used solely for the purpose of responding to any complaint made by you. Your data will not be shared with third parties without first obtaining your consent.
The Committee should convene a meeting with the complainant and their representative (if appropriate) no later than 14 days after the complaint to discuss the issue, unless a later date is agreed between the Committee and the complainant.
If the complaint is against a member of the Committee, that member will not attend this meeting. This should be made clear to the complainant.
The outcome of the meeting should be recorded and a copy sent to the complainant within 7 days of the meeting.
Complaints Regarding Co-run/Funded Events
If an individual/group/volunteer would like to make a complaint about a meet up or event that is co-run or funded by another group or organisation, they have the right to contact that group or organisation.
Contact details for such groups/organisations will be provided on request, and service users/groups/volunteers will be signposted to their complaints procedures where appropriate.