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August 2024

The name of the group shall be LGBT+ Lit Fest (the Group).


LGBT+ Lit Fest is a group working to celebrate and promote a diverse range of LGBTQIA+ stories and literature-based content, encouraging and enabling social contacts, to reduce social isolation, and an increased understanding of the diversity of gender and sexual/romantic orientation. 

The Group’s objectives are: 

  • Monthly virtual meeting for the Group to meet, open to anyone who identifies as LGBTQIA+ or an ally over the age of 18 years. 

  • Fundraising and raising awareness including working with other groups and organisations. 

  • Organising one off or regular events related to the work of LGBTQIA+ authors or literature; for example, but not limited to, book signings, talks, workshops and literature festivals.

  • Virtual and in person social events including dry spaces.

  • Carry out outreach/promotional opportunities for the Group or its events. 

To further these aims the Committee shall have power to: 

  • Obtain, collect and receive money or funds by way of contributions, donations, grants and any other lawful method towards the aims of the Group. 

  • Associate local authorities, voluntary organisations and the community (LGBTQIA+ community and allies) in a common effort to carry out the aims of the Group. 

  • Do all such lawful things as will further the aims of the Group. 


  • Voting membership shall be open to people aged 18 years and over who have attended a minimum of two Group meet ups a year.

  • The Committee shall have the power to approve or reject membership or to terminate the membership of any member provided that the member shall have the right to be heard by the Committee before a final decision is made. 

  • All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution by attending Group events. All members are deemed to accept all regulations and codes of conduct that the Group has adopted. 


  • A Committee elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall manage the Group. 

  • The Committee shall consist of a minimum of three voting members, including the position of Chair and Treasurer. 

  • The Committee may co-opt up to a further 4 voting members who shall resign at the next AGM. 

  • The Committee shall meet at least twice each year. 

  • At least two Committee members must be present at a Committee meeting to be able to make decisions. 

  • A proper record of all transactions and formal meetings shall be kept. 

General Meetings

  • An AGM, to include an annual financial position update, shall be held within 12 months of the date of the adoption of this constitution and each year thereafter. 

  • A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be called at any time at the request of the Committee. A notice explaining the place, date, time and reason shall be sent to all members as soon as practically possible but in any event not less than 24 hours beforehand. 

  • Two Committee members being present, shall enable a General Meeting (i.e. AGM or SGM) to take place. 

  • Proposals to change the constitution must be approved by at least two Committee members. 



  • The funds of the Group including all donations, contributions and bequests, shall be paid into either a single bank account held in the name of the Group, or the Group Paypal account, overseen by the Treasurer. (The Group Paypal account balance is not to exceed £250, other than in the circumstances of temporary increases to accommodate Group activities, with the balance to return to no more than £250 within 72 hours of such temporary increase.)

  • All cheques or moneys drawn on the bank account must be signed by at least two members of the Committee.

  • Access to the Group's Paypal account is limited to Chair and Treasurer.

  • The funds belonging to the Group shall be applied only to further the aims of the Group. 

  • A current record of all income, funding and expenditure will be kept by the Treasurer.



  • Any intention to dissolve the Group must be raised by a Committee member, with at least 48 hours’ notice before a General Meeting

  • Following this, dissolution must be discussed at the General Meeting with at least three Committee members present, and can only be passed by a majority Committee vote. 

  • If dissolution of the Group is confirmed, the Committee shall distribute any assets remaining after the payment of all bills to other charitable or Not-for-Profit group(s) or organisation(s) having aims similar to the Group or some other charitable purpose(s) as the Group may decide.


Agreed by committee members 22/08/2024

To be reviewed at the 2025 Annual General Meeting

© 2022 by LGBT+ Lit Fest

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